Using various corrosion protection techniques, Cor-Pro Systems is the leading provider of cathodic protection system in Houston.
To better understand Cathodic Protection System, it’s important to know how corrosion builds up. Corrosion happens when two dissimilar metals are exposed to an electrolyte and there’s a metal path between them, known as conducting path.
When these three things are present, rust or corrosion will most likely occur:
- Two dissimilar items
- Water with type of salt (electrolytes)
- A metal conducting path

Many industrial grade equipment are made of different metal parts, that’s why corrosion occurs in many machines, instruments, devices, and critical equipment.
When corrosion happens, it becomes a serious problem because it can cause the equipment to malfunction or become completely unusable. Repairs are costly and in some cases, businesses are forced to replace the equipment, which is much more costly.
How Cathodic Protection System Works
The importance of corrosion protection system cannot be overemphasized. Every business who rely on critical equipment must have a cathodic protection system in place, the benefits of which include substantial savings to the company.
Cathodic protection system should be done if the business operations involve the use of any of the following equipment or installations:
- Jetties
- Ships’ hulls
- Pipelines
- Steel sheet piling
- Offshore oil installations
The cathode protection system is considered a form of electrochemical corrosion control wherein the oxidation in galvanic cell targets the anode, while it halts the corrosion of the cathode in the same cell. This is mainly used in steel structures that are submerged in seawater or are buried in soil.
Types Of Cathodic Protection
Impressed Current
Protection is achieved by connecting the affected structure to an anode bed through a transformer rectifier, which forces the current to flow from the anodes to the structure, thereby providing further protection.
Galvanic Anode
Protection is achieved by connected the protected structure to a certain sacrificial anode (zinc, aluminum, or magnesium) which is positioned very close to the structure.
Companies that operate structures and equipment in water or on soil must include cathodic corrosion protection in their anti-corrosion plan.
To prevent corrosion from damaging key equipment and machineries, an optimal Cathodic Protection System must be put in place.
With the help of anti-corrosion specialist like Cor-Pro Systems, businesses are guaranteed longer equipment life span, which in turn provides significant savings to the company.
Velocity: Part Of Cor-Pro’s Commitment To The “Cor-Pro Gold Standard”
Corrosion protection is a necessary requirement for all major equipments and it is Cor-Pro’s commitment to deliver only the best corrosion protection methods in Houston and nearby Gulf Coast areas.
All of the company’s products and services are marked with the highest level of corrosion management standard – the “Cor-Pro Gold Standard.”
To ensure all Cor-Pro’s clients receive quick and quality service, each work done follow the “Velocity Seal of Quality” – superior corrosion protection service in just a matter of hours, not days.
About Cor-Pro Systems
Cor-Pro Systems is the leading provider of corrosion protection services in Houston and the Gulf Coast. Cor-Pro can devise a long-term cathodic protection system for companies that make use of critical equipment in their operations. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Cor-Pro’s expertise can help mitigate the damaging effects of corrosion.
Cor-Pro holds industry certifications including OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and 18001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 accreditations from Verisys Registrars.
If you have questions about anti-corrosion protective coatings or want to get a custom quote for your particular corrosion protection need, contact us at 713-896-1091, or send us an e-mail at