Steel Corrosion

Cor-Pro Systems Inc. is the leading company in providing fast and high quality steel corrosion protection in Houston, TX and other areas in the Gulf Coast.

Steel is one of the most common types of alloy used in many industries. Light, durable, and tractile, steel has the widest range of applications.

However, steel is also prone to a lot of corrosive agents such as air, soil, and water. Without proper steel corrosion management, industries can lose billions and may face other repercussions such as personnel injury and environmental damage.

An efficient steel corrosion protection solution helps industries save billions of dollars.

Read more to learn about Cor-Pro Systems’ steel corrosion protection guide.

Steel Corrosion Basic Information

Like many other forms of corrosion, steel corrosion is an electrochemical process that occurs in multiple stages. The presence of air and water near steel surfaces paves way for ferrous ions to go to the solution, which in turn creates ferric oxide, which is more commonly known as red rust.

Once rusting occurs on the surface, further oxidation starts on the deeper layers of steel structures. Over a period of time, the damage in the entire layer of steel becomes uniform with the surface. Once it is no longer possible for the iron in the steel to release more electrons, the process of rusting is complete and the corrosion has fully damaged the structure.

However, companies can avoid corrosion by keeping both water and air from their steel-based equipments. With the help of corrosion protection practices, steel corrosion is mitigated and the process is retarded for a long time.

Steel Corrosion Management Practices

Steel corrosion is unavoidable, but there are ways to retard the rate of corrosion for a long time through best methods and practices. Among the steel corrosion best practices offered by Cor-Pro are:

  • Cathodic protection. By using more electrically charged alloy near the protected equipment, this method diverts the attention of the corrosive agents to itself until it completely degrades. Cathodic protection is commonly used in underground pipelines and marine transport industry.
  • Corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals added to equipment to form a thin layer of protection against corrosion catalysts. These additives can be added even when the machine to be protected is operating.
  • Coatings. Coating is the easiest way to protect your equipment. Coating materials such as epoxy, urethane, and zinc can add an extra layer of defense to your facilities with proper application and curing.
  • Abrasive blasting. Abrasive blasting uses a high-velocity machine that propels medium to a surface of a material. With this, you can control the damage brought by corrosion and prepare it for anti-corrosion materials application.

Benefits Of Steel Corrosion Protection

Cor-Pro Systems provides quality steel corrosion protection in Houston, TX and other areas in the Gulf Coast. High quality corrosion protection applications can extend the life of your equipment by 250%.

The following are the advantages of getting high quality steel corrosion protection through Cor-Pro Systems:

  • • Quality corrosion protection can extend the lifespan of your equipment by up to 250%.
  • • Corrosion protection can reduce the costs of repairs due to corrosive damage.
  • • Protected equipment can avoid service interruptions and operation malfunctions.
  • • Corrosion protection can save lives from injuries brought by weathered equipment and facilities.
  • • By averting injuries and damages from corroded equipment, companies can avoid legal and environmental liabilities.

With close to 30 years of dealing with the toughest corrosion management practices from a wide range of clients, Cor-Pro Systems will deliver specialized steel corrosion management services that are specially formulated depending on the client’s needs.

Velocity: Part Of Cor-Pro’s Commitment To The “Cor-Pro Gold Standard”

Cor-Pro Systems’ unparalleled zero corrosion protection failures and on-track delivery record, we can assure you that you will receive nothing but the “Cor-Pro Gold Standard”, the highest certification in the corrosion protection industry.

With our Velocity Service, you will receive your finished steel corrosion protection projects in hours, not days. Furthermore, our highly trained staff will make sure that you are in the loop with our projects as they happen.

About Cor-Pro Systems

Since 1987, Cor-Pro Systems Inc. provides top-notch corrosion protection in Houston and other areas in Gulf Coast. Our goal is to raise awareness about corrosion and how it affects an entire industry, and to provide satisfactory corrosion protection through our quality methods from years of extensive research and development.

Aside from our unparalleled track record in delivering corrosion protection to our clients, we also make sure to maintain a long-lasting relationship with our partner industries to ensure that they will never experience corrosion-related incidents in the future.

Superior Quality Steel Corrosion Management Methods Through Cor-Pro Systems, Inc.

If you have questions about our corrosion protection services or want to get a custom quote for your rust removal needs needs, 713-896-1091, or send an e-mail to