Cor-Pro Systems, Inc. provides excellent rust removal services in Houston, Texas and nearby Gulf Coast areas.
Every year, consumers and manufacturers lose billions of dollars because of rust.
According to NASA, the cost of corrosion to the USA is around $276 billion per year.
Due to this, many companies consider rust removal as an integral part of their operational expenses especially for vital equipment.
Rust, if ignored, can wreak havoc that may cause unnecessary shutdown of assembly line, health and safety concerns, production delays, equipment failure, and worst, customer rejections.

Cor-Pro’s rust removal services is sought after in Houston and nearby Gulf Coast areas because of the company’s commitment to providing only the best products and services to its growing number of clientele.
Cor-Pro Systems, Inc. understands the entire process of corrosion to ensure that they provide the best and cost-effective rust removal and long-term corrosion protection.
Learn more about Cor-Pro’s Rust Removal Houston services and choose the methods best suited for your corrosion problems.
Types Of Rust
Metal is only a temporary state that can revert back to its ore form. Ideally, when a metal has more energy required during its transformation, it corrodes faster.
However, corrosion will not proceed without the presence of a conducting solution such as an electrolyte through moisture, humidity, rain, or water.
Rusting starts when oxidation occurs at the surface of the metal. That being said, metals with porous or fragile surfaces are most susceptible to rusting.
Rusting may be due to several factors, such as:
- Environmental: More commonly caused by weather (humidity and temperature), corrosion may also be secondary to other contaminants in the environment, such as soil quality.
- Process Related: The process of metal fabrication (heat treating, cold working, or machining) contributes to the corrosion process.
- Packaging Related: Metal parts packaging such as non-treated and corrugated paper can hold moisture and trigger corrosion.
To effectively choose the rust removal Houston service, it is important to know the different types of rust.
Types of rust include:
- Yellow Rust – results from exposure to very high moisture content such as standing water. Yellow rust has recessed areas of rusting that look like it “runs and drips.”
- Red Rust – the most common rust type and is secondary to heavy and constant exposure to moisture and air, with combinations of salt contaminant. Most likely atmospheric rust because of the absence of rust streaks or runs on the rusted areas. Red rust causes uniform corrosion.
- Black Rust – due to limited oxygen and low moisture exposure. Distinguished as a black, thin film found in areas with covering that prevented oxygen from entering. Black rust does not rapidly propagate as compared to other types of rust.
- Brown Rust – occurs in areas with low moisture and high oxygen. Compared to other rust types, brown rust is drier and is oftentimes a localized rust appearing in non-uniform spots.
There may be instances that multiple forms of corrosion occur at once.
As a leader in the corrosion management industry, Cor-Pro acknowledges that providing superior and effective products is just half of the job. Giving excellent customer service is equally important and is in line with the company’s commitment of building lasting relationships with its clients.
Methods Of Rust Removal Houston
At present, chemical and mechanical methods of rust removal are available in the market. Mechanical rust removal methods include:
- Using abrasive paper, abrasive material, metal wool
- Powered mechanical grinding and buffing using grinding wheels, abrasive rubber mats, discs, and abrasive mats.
The method of choice depends largely on the degree of corrosion and metal type.
Rust removal requires preparations like:
- Cleaning the metal to remove presence of any foreign material before removing the rust. The metal surfaces, especially those with grease or dirt, should be clean in accordance with SSPC SP-1.
- Paint stripping is necessary when there’s residual paint or primer. Removal can either be through mechanical or chemical treatment after surface cleaning.
- Abrasive blasting is the method of choice for metal rust removal. Supplementary mechanical rust removal methods (SSPC SP-2 or SSPC SP-3) include chipping, grinding, or wire brushing.
- Chemical rust removal is only ideal when the threat of chemical entrapment is unlikely. Chemical rust removers can either be alkaline or acid.
Rust Removal Houston Through Abrasive Blasting By Cor-Pro Systems, Inc.
With three decades of corrosion management experience, Cor-Pro Systems, Inc. has the superb ability to provide its clients with customized corrosion protection systems suitable for any corrosion and rust needs along with the “Cor-Pro Gold Standard.”
How is the Cor-Pro way of abrasive blasting done?
- Cor-Pro’s NACE-certified and highly trained staff starts with preparing a specialized area.
Cor-Pro owns a 155,000-square foot, weatherproof, metallic, and enclosed building specifically used for abrasive blasting.
- Cor-Pro’s staff will then start cleaning the surfaces of the metals to remove any grease and oil residue.
- Using highly modern abrasive blasting equipment, Cor-Pro’s staff will load the blasting machine with abrasive media. The propelling force for the blasting process is through an air tank.
- While properly directing the nozzle at the equipment, Cor-Pro’s corrosion specialists will release the trigger and start the blasting.
Cor-Pro Systems, Inc. is OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 9001:2008 certified. Both certification conferred by Verisys Registrars.
About Cor-Pro Systems
Cor-Pro’s is the leading provider of rust removal services in Houston and Gulf Coast because of their best practices, in-depth knowledge of corrosion and rusting process, and excellent customer service.
For almost 30 years, Cor-Pro works towards advancing the knowledge about corrosion process, protection methods, and its cost-effectiveness.
Cor-Pro’s rust removal Houston and Gulf Coast services equates to more savings and profits for companies with corrosion issues.
Get Top-Of-The-Line Rust Removal Through Cor-Pro Systems, Inc.
If you have questions about our rust removal services in Houston or want to get a custom quote for your particular corrosion protection need, contact us at 713-896-1091, or send us an e-mail at